Thursday, December 23, 2010

Archive - Drawings.... or why I can't be a mangaka

oh... it has been such a long time since i updated the blog. Some real life issues cropped up eheheh... What is everybody doing this holiday season?

Since I can't really show the things I that I just made, I decided to show (and tell) some of the stuff that I did a lifetime ago. Following on the theme of cinema, here are some of my drawings from 16 years ago! (Urghhhh... I have been on this earth for that long...)

Vi faccio vedere i lavori che ho fatto quando ero giovane ehehe ;P  Continuo dal tema di cinema, eccoli i disegni da 16 anni fa....

some sketches of mrs Robinson taken from The Graduate

this series of sketches are taken from The Commitments (dir: Alan Parker)

this ones are from The Mirror (dir: Tarkovsky)

Why I can't be a Mangaka...

Well at the point I just left art school and was trying something out, without any clear plan. I tried drawing a series a character with a series of movements from one point to another, with the aid of the VCR (do u still remember that ancient device!!!). I would placed it on freeze frame, draw a scene, unfreeze it, find the next scene then freeze it again, draw and so on and so forth. I consider these purely technical, although the water colour and pencil sketch turned out quite beautiful. This process had one basic flaw, at least for me, I had trouble continuing after switched off the VCR. It did not help me create new characters or even stick figures. I was definitely heading the wrong way. Plus there were no story plots I have on hand.

Failed experiment 193....

Mi sono appena diplomata dalla scuola di belli arti. Volevo provare fare qualcosa senza un programma chiara. Ho fatto una serie di disegni che dei personaggi da qualche film che mi piace, usavo un lettore di video. Facevo pausa, facevo i designi di una figura a qual punto, andavo alla prossima scena e lo facevo ancora. I designi sono belli ma avevo un punto debole, non potevo creare i personaggi nuovi quando il VCR e' spento. In piu' non avevo una storia su cui potevo lavorare. Un esperimento fallito numero 193....

Yes I have moved on to better things. And no I could not have avoided it. Every thing has a place in (my) history and not a complete waste of time. At least the sketches are pretty... ;)

Ogni cosa ha il suo posto nella (mia) storia. ;)

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